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Forums/ Deco
By DSC7 2025-01-14 00:05:38

Deco M9 Plus, cannot update firmware on main deco

Hello, I have been having some problems with my Deco and wanted to update their firmware to the latest version. I downladed the update utility and latest firmware version (Deco M9 Plus(US)_V2_1.6.4 Bu
Forums/ Deco
By JRix 2025-01-12 14:45:34

Limit device bandwidth

Is it possible to limit a device internet bandwidth in a Deco mesh with m5 unit? I can only find QoS but that is for priority and I don't want to do that with this device. A computer is hogging all in
Forums/ Deco
By GavinT 2025-01-13 12:25:56

Main deco loses internet

Hi I purchased and setup 4 x S7 Decos about 6 weeks ago. They all ran perfectly for over a month, but now the "main" keeps losing internet connection (up to a few times per day). Most of the time (if
Forums/ Deco
By rhbmcse 2025-01-12 18:45:31

X50 Wireless Backhaul speed loss

Hi all. First of all, wired back haul is not an option in my apartment so I'm reliant on wireless unfortunately. Both 5 and 2.4 ghz are very congested. I was running 4 decos but the wireless backhaul
Forums/ Deco
By FredericNg 2025-01-11 16:45:53

Impossible to save connection preference config

I have a Deco X60 which is connected to my WiFi mesh via WiFi. it's far from my main node so I would like it to connect to a closer node. Unfortunately it's impossible to save the connection preferenc
Forums/ Deco
By AbeTasticx 2025-01-11 10:53:11

Wifi sometimes no internet with Deco X50 poe

Hey first my setup: i have 3 X50 poe which are connected over ethernet + poe ( one cat 6 cable ). They are configured as accesspoints and the router feeds the main poe switch which then feeds other po