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Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
By Pricey00 2024-12-22 17:06:47

Using plug for broadband router remotely

I would like to use a smart plug to be able to remotely turn my router on and off. I am finding with the Tapo p110 that I can turn it off remotely, but I can't turn it back on, as once the router is o
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
By keithh 2024-01-01 13:23:57


I have purchased 10 P110 Plugs with Energy Management over the last 6 months and so far I have had 4 go faulty. Three have been returned to TP-Link and replacements sent (in one case the original was
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
By BPCS 2024-10-30 22:15:28

Smart Automation under Hub Control issue

As soon as a Tapo smart automation includes a response required from a Tapo H100 hub, the automation no longer falls under the control of the hub, as designated by the hub icon in the automation. For
Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
By BPCS 2024-09-04 13:32:38

Tapo S200B double tap feature does not stick

After enabling the double tap feature of my Tapo S200B Buttons, the feature then says "not enabled" if checking in my Smart Automations later that require double tap (next day for example).
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
By HmmmUK 2024-01-08 16:29:22

Plug differences: P100 P110 P110M

I'm new to all this so still learning... I'm looking at TAPO smart plugs and I've only just realised the differences between P100 / P110 / P110M ! Am I right in thinking...? P100 is a standard smart p