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Forums/ Controllers
By gregoryh 2024-03-14 15:49:09

ER8411 Can not forget site in Omada Cloud

Dear, A few days ago I installed my new ER8411 (was not easy). Everything is working fine now except one thing: The Cloud I see 2 controllers: Omada Controller_XXXX (Xed for security reason) Omada Con
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By SamoG 2024-03-15 01:09:49

Update and optimize some settings

Hi, Can someone help me find out how to upgrade the controller to the latest version on Synology docker version with keep all the data. And one more question. By all of my customers, I have problem wi
Forums/ WiFi
By JP_D 2024-03-13 06:10:27

EAP connected via POE Wifi Password incorrect, however when EAP on power adapted the password works

Trying to set up my home system as we have finally got NBN FTTP. I have set up the EAP (EAP610) and Wifi Router (ER706W) on a mesh system with Omada. Router is in the garage, EAP is at other end of ho
Forums/ Controllers
By BvanDiermen 2024-03-13 07:08:17


After updating the OC200 controiller to version OC200(UN)_v2_2.13.2_20240110 this cycle never ends. All routers are or unreachable and router on main site is in a loop from missing hardbeat -> adoptin
Forums/ Controllers
By ceejaybassist 2024-03-13 11:13:06

Is there any way to show IPv6 address in client page?

Now that the EAP225-Outdoor Pre-release firmware supports IPv6, is there a way to display the wired client's assigned IPv6 address (both local and public) on the client page? Those inside yellow boxes
Forums/ Controllers
By jwaltrip 2024-03-13 18:24:38

Open VPN

I have OpenVPN set up and working for quite a while. then, even though set up, stopped using it for a while. I have updated the controller, router, and switches since I last used. OpenVPN is no longer