2024-03-17 19:15:22
Account verification
I need help with login issues into my omada Account. I keep getting the Invitation request while log in. I have not received any email to verify account.
2024-03-17 19:49:52
EAP670 DST Daylight saving time log email off by an hour
Using device without controller. Under management/system log, device configured to send daily emails at time 08:00 daily. After DST took effect, these emails are arriving an hour late, at 09:00. Under
2024-03-14 03:05:19
Omada controller unable to connect to AP when connected to Cisco Catalyst 3750G switch
I got a few EAP access points, and installed Omada controller on a PC running Ubuntu 22.04. The PC running Omada controller is in a server rack, and is connected to a Cisco 3750G switch. From that swi
2024-03-14 13:31:53
[SOLVED] IoT ACL rules
Hello I am not sure if this is the right section to ask but here it goes. Some context... I have 4 diff Vlan's and one of them is IoT. It has not been in use but recently I added smartplug (TAPO P115)
2024-03-14 13:57:35
Configureing 2 x Vlan - ISP provided on the WAN to your LAN Clients?
Dear fellow forum users. I have a challenge that I cannot solve. I have already made some inquiries, but I am afraid that it is more about my question than the challenge. My knowledge regarding networ
2024-03-14 14:45:21
Frequent OC200 disconnect after firmware update
Since upgrading to 1.28.2 Build 20240110 Rel.78776, I am getting frequent disconnects of my OC200. While updating / tweaking settings in the GUI, I'm getting frequent "operating timed out" errors. "Co