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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-26 09:34:33
Re:TP-LINK tapo c320ws picture dark after firmware update 1.2.1 Built 240912
@Solla-topee after update picture became weird:
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-26 09:31:25
Re:TP-LINK tapo c320ws picture dark after firmware update 1.2.1 Built 240912
@Solla-topee i will try to set manually to night mode Pictures before update:
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-25 09:58:59
Re:TP-LINK tapo c320ws picture dark after firmware update 1.2.1 Built 240912
It is set to Auto. It is bright enough outside.. picture was ok before firmware update..
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-25 09:57:29
Re:TP-LINK tapo c320ws picture dark after firmware update 1.2.1 Built 240912
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-24 10:47:05
Re:TP-LINK tapo c320ws picture dark after firmware update 1.2.1 Built 240912
Solla-topee wrote @GoranJ3179 Hi, In this case, could you please send us the pictures of the camera's live view page at day and night time? Best Regards @Solla-topee day pic
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-24 10:46:30
Re:TP-LINK tapo c320ws picture dark after firmware update 1.2.1 Built 240912
@Solla-topee night pic