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Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
3 недель назад
Re:Tapo S200B double tap feature does not stick
@Wayne-TP It looks like the doubletap function in the button is sleeping. After waking up the button (singletap, turning, starting the Tapo application), doubletap also starts working, but after a...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
3 недель назад
Re:Tapo S200B double tap feature does not stick
@Wayne-TP Tapo S200B HW 1.0 Firmware 1.12.0 Build 231121 Hub H100 HW 1.0 Firmware 1.5.16 Build 240627
Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
3 недель назад
Re:Tapo S200B double tap feature does not stick
@BPCS Same problem. Double click randomly deactivated and again activated.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-05-06 10:26:39
Re:Automations stopped working on the Switches
@Sjors85 Everything works fine for me...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-03-23 09:40:02
Re:Cancel stop interrupt previously launched delayed action
Yes, please.!!
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-03-21 08:58:01
Re:A running delayed automation cannot be deactivated by a shortcut or other automation.
@Wayne-TP Hi, this is something else. The delay set directly on the socket/bulb cannot really be interrupted (it was not possible before). But now the interruption of the automation countdown stopped...