Manual Band Selection for 4G Wi-Fi Routers and LTE Gateways

Manual Band Selection for 4G Wi-Fi Routers and LTE Gateways

311 Reply
Re:Manual Band Selection for 4G Wi-Fi Routers and LTE Gateways



Sunshine wrote




The new firmware Archer MR600(EU)_V2_220826 still supports 4G+.

It defaults to using 4G for low-bandwidth network activities and will switch to 4G+ for high bandwidth activities.


Just seen this post. So when you say "It defaults to using 4G for low-bandwidth network activities and will switch to 4G+ for high bandwidth activities." this confirms the numerous complaints that the MR600 constantly switches between 4G and 4G+, and this is actually a bug (and not a feature). Why was this denied by TP Link for years?!


As requested some time before, it would be helpful if TP-Link would provide support to get an OpenWRT version for the MR600 and let the community try and fix TP-Links problems. And remove all spyware/backdoors etc. from TP-Link routers.


Unless you change this I will certainly not recommend any TP-Link products.


