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Forums/ Switches
By 2025-01-11 05:15:44

How to Update Management VLAN in SG3428XMP via CLI When It Is Offline with Omada Controller?

After changing the PVID on the TL-SG3428XMP, the Omada Controller connection was lost. How can I update the Management VLAN using the CLI? In the Omada Controller, after updating the Management VLAN I
Forums/ Switches
By 2025-01-03 15:12:54

SX3016F VLAN b/w SG3428XMP

I have connected the switches as follows: SX3016F: Port 1 = PVID 11 (untagged) & Port 28 = Tagged SG3428XMP: Default settings (PVID 1, Tagged: VLAN 11 & VLAN 28) Currently, when I connect a device to
Forums/ Switches
By 2025-01-01 18:19:15

Micro USB com port Driver

SG3428XMP Where can i get micro usb com port Driver
Forums/ Controllers
By 2022-08-05 06:26:50

Wi-Fi roaming across different sites

For simplicity, I have created three different sites in the Omada controller with the same SSID for each house. Site A-Home A Site B-Home B Site C-Home C As per logs, Wi-Fi roaming is working inside e
Forums/ Controllers
By 2022-08-04 06:19:10

Remote Access point failed to upgrade after updating Omada controller to Version:5.4.6

After updating controller(Version:5.4.6) Remote Access point failed to upgrade. May I Know if anybody has same issue or only this issue for me. Current opened ports - TCP & UDP 29810 to 29814
Forums/ Controllers
By 2022-08-03 19:05:05

After updating controller(Version:5.4.6) WIFI roaming is not working.

After updating controller(Version:5.4.6) WIFI roaming is not working. May I Know if anbody has same issue or only this issue for me. Ealier version in log it clearly mentioned "Omada[Controller] [clie