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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Baron_Von_Doom a week ago

AXE75 meta quest 3 6ghz problem

hello, im having a problem where my meta quest 3 rarely sees 6ghz band and when its sees it it cant connect tried 2 different meta quest 3 and they cant see 6ghz. im not sure whats the problem here is
Forums/ Deco
By Silent_m 2024-12-20 23:45:57

Meta Quest 3 does not connet to recognized 6Ghz WiFi of the Deco XE75 WiFi6e

Hello everyone, my Quest 3 (V71) finds the 6GHz Network. BUT: When I try to connect the Quest 3 to it, the headset tries to connect and tries and tries.... and tries....... There is no issue with 2.4G