Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
EasyMesh Archer GE800 >> AX6000
I am getting problems trying to estabilish the easymesh connection between routers: Scenario: Archer GE800 (main) >> Archer AX600 (satelite). Using the Tether App, I tried all the options there (Tp-Li
Wi-Fi Routers
2 weeks ago
Archer AX80 AX6000 bad WLAN-WAN performance (WLAN-LAN ok, LAN-WAN ok)
I have a 1Gb internet connection, 1Gb Ethernet with 1Gb devices. I can max out the 1Gb connection on my phone and on my laptop when the relation is WLAN-LAN, and of course on cable (LAN-LAN, LAN-WAN).