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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-10-30 03:26:45
Re:EasyMesh Archer GE800 >> AX6000
Hey Jasson. Thanks for your clarification.... not sure why TP Link have devices with 2 different protocols... but with this info now I know that to extend my cover a new router must be acquired.... K...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-10-29 22:27:49
EasyMesh Archer GE800 >> AX6000
I am getting problems trying to estabilish the easymesh connection between routers: Scenario: Archer GE800 (main) >> Archer AX600 (satelite). Using the Tether App, I tried all the options there...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-10-29 22:14:49
Re:Archer AX80 AX6000 bad WLAN-WAN performance (WLAN-LAN ok, LAN-WAN ok)
@RivalComp I was in the same situation and upgrade to Archer GE800, guess what? It is worse!! GE800 sometimes drops the speed to ridiculous 100MBps....I came accross the forum to find a solution and...