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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Archisman 10 hours ago

No Internet via IPv6 in TP Link XC220 G3v V2

No Internet via IPv6 in TP Link XC220 G3v V2 in Mobile Devices. URGENT HELP NEEDED From 17th Feb, I started getting IPv6 and IPv4 has been disabled in my area. BSNL reported some kind of maintenance s
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Archisman Yesterday

TP Link XC220 G3v V2 Setup Guide for BSNL FTTH & any ISP

Setup Guide for BSNL FTTH: TP Link XC220 G3v V2 (2.x.xxxxxx) Firmware update POST: TP Link XC220 G3v V2 Firmware update - Home Network Community ( Official Rel
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
By Archisman 2024-09-14 15:05:31

Downstream BANDWIDTH CONTROL along with hardware QOS in TP Link XC220 G3v V2

Feature Request: Downstream BANDWIDTH CONTROL along with hardware QOS in TP Link XC220 G3v V2 Requesting for downstream bandwidth control feature in TP-Link XC220 G3v V2. Please include this feature,
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Archisman 2024-09-14 14:39:04

Feature Request: Downstream BANDWIDTH CONTROL along with hardware QOS in TP Link XC220 G3v V2

Feature Request: Downstream BANDWIDTH CONTROL along with hardware QOS in TP Link XC220 G3v V2 Requesting for downstream bandwidth control feature in TP-Link XC220 G3v V2. Please include this feature,
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By mahat 2023-08-14 19:18:44

TP-Link XC220-G3v v2.30 updated firmware required for BSNL INTERNET ISSUE

Hello, I have Bsnl FTTH Connection. Recently bought TP-LINK XC220-G3V. I attempted to set up Internet, but it was not able to connect. The user name, password, and VLAN ID are correct (provided by BSN
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Archisman 2024-02-09 04:54:54

Cannot Access Specific Websites sometimes on TP Link XC220G3v but getting ping responses.

I bought this TP Link XC220 G3v ONU recently. But the issue is, many websites are not opening in this ONU, they are getting timed out. I have tried these methods: Changed the DNS in both LAN & WAN. Ch