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Forums/ Controllers
By youbarajsha 2024-11-25 07:44:21

New Cloud Interface

I have multiple OC200 controllers across sites. Today when I logged in to the TP Link Cloud there was a new interface which asked me to enter my Business name etc. After the initial setup when I went
Forums/ Controllers
By youbarajsha 2023-09-22 14:26:55

Very slow response in Safari browser

The Omada controller page loads very slowly in safari browser. I have noticed significant latency in safari as compared to edge in my widows device. I am using safari 16.6 on Ventura 13.5.2. Anyone el
Forums/ Routers
By youbarajsha 2023-09-20 13:52:57

Access Modem UI connected to ER605

I have my ISP provided modem (ISP router in bridge mode) connected to ER605 in an Omada controller enviroment. How can i access the Modem web UI from LAN? The Modem is on subnet and ER6
Forums/ Routers
By youbarajsha 2023-09-16 14:56:43

Failed to connect to the server because sending PADI times out.

I am trying to setup the WAN in ER605, have reached dead end despite of multiple trail and error, any direction is highly appreciated. Background - I have FTTH connection from my ISP with an Static IP
Forums/ Routers
By youbarajsha 2023-09-16 12:09:44

How to hide Controller IP on Portal during authentication

I have setup guest network and authentication using simple password through portal. When someone connects to the SSID, it redirects to the portal and the IP of Omada controller is visible as shown in
Forums/ Routers
By youbarajsha 2023-09-04 11:40:13

How to Configure Omada Router with BSNL Syrotech router

Need some help to setup the omada router with BSNL ONT router (India) provided by Syrotech. My ISP (Bsnl India) has provided me witn ONT router, which bascially has a built in Media Converter, Modem,