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Forums/ Deco
By Antoine54 2021-03-07 14:19:40

Deco not connecting to the strongest signal

I am using three m9 deco, working fine. Only the one on the top floor is recently switching to the deco on the ground floor instead of the deco on the first floor. The signal on the first floor howeve
Forums/ Deco
By timbish 2022-10-19 09:56:17

Deco unit won't connect to closest/strongest signel

I have 3 Deco units arranged in a line. 1) the main unit is connected to router in centre of the house, then 2) at the back of the house and 3) in the garden. My problem is that 3) often connects to 1
Forums/ Deco
By Ashman333 2021-06-21 18:51:53

Deco E4R not connecting to closet deco

I have three Deco E4R and two Deco M3W. The deco E4 in my office connects to the main deco in the hall and not to the closest deco in the bedroom, as a result the signal strength is weak and the inter