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Forums/ Range Extenders
By EBGen 2024-12-05 18:34:17

PS4 won’t connect to wifi extender

Hi, we've recently purchased a RE550 mesh wifi extender for our back living room so that we can use the ps4 there. However despite the connection being blue & it working for my phone the ps4 simply wi
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Koushik7788 2024-12-04 10:04:48

Wifi Connected but router local ip web ui not loading

Wifi Connected but router local ip not loading, Say refuse to connect. When I restart router this problem solve but after sometime problem comes again 😔. Please help...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By VELIN125 2024-12-03 16:57:37

Account tplink

My router doesn't want to connect to my tplink account
Forums/ Deco
By ARGamingPK1 2024-12-03 23:36:18

Deco M4 V2 Power Consumption

Today i'm here to clear your doubts that how much power can Deco M4 consume. So here is your answers you can also ask your question to Meta Ai or ChatGPT.
Forums/ Adapters
By CardamomSparrow 2024-12-02 18:40:43

Discovered why my TP-Link AX3000 / Archer TX55E was disconnecting / disappearing from Device Manager

Hi folks! I'm posting here because I found a lot of reports of problems with the TP-Link AX3000 / Archer TX55e wi-fi and bluetooth card, where the wifi adapter intermittently disappears from Device Ma
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
By trluk24 2024-12-02 11:42:40

NX200 5G V1 vs V2 and Speed Question

Hi, I just purchased the NX2005G, and when it came, it is the V1. I noticed in downloads that there is a V1 and V2 for hardware. What is the difference? On the sales page, the doc states 5G download u