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Forums/ Range Extenders
By SpaceCowboy74 2022-03-02 03:07:42

RE550 Only one 5G network? Also drops from mesh

I have a RE550 that is in the OneMesh config. When I look at it in the Tether App, it shows my 2.4 and 5G networks, but only one of the 5G, not both. Is that normal? Also, I switched the main 5G (the
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By SpaceCowboy74 2022-02-23 03:16:10

AX11000 5Ghz network loses internet access or drops alltogether

I have my WiFi configured so that I have OFDMA Enabled and Smart Connect Disabled. I have 3 networks set up. FamilyWireless, FamilyWireless_5G and FamilyWireless_5G_2. I have tried to configure items