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Forums/ Switches
By Patrick8277 2024-01-18 08:34:17

Adoption loop with TL-SG2428P

Hi! Yesterday I wanted to add a new switch to my setup. My hardware is: OC200 hardware controller. HW: v1.0 FW: 1.26.3, Controller Version 5.12.9 Router ER-605 v2 FW: 2.2.3 Switch TL-SG2428P v4.0 FW:
Forums/ WiFi
By Prudhviraju_040 2024-01-17 17:02:48

Continuous disconnectivity of access point

Hi Team, Greetings to the community! We're currently facing challenges in our office network where we have deployed 9 TP-Link EAP245 (V4) access points to cater to the needs of 170 users. Unfortunatel
Forums/ WiFi
By DiegoCarle 2024-01-17 02:56:08

Problemas para conecta EAP620 HD

No puedo conectar el EAP620 HD lo resetee conectado al transformador y reinicia con la luz azul que parpadea cada lapsos de tiempo
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By mtl_squirrel 2024-01-17 17:05:52

Vulnerability: built-in radius using weak or compromised ciphers/hashes

Issue #1: Built-in Omada Radius server uses EAP-MD5-Challenge by default. This method is compromised and deprecated, and declined by the client machine for that reason. Issue #2: Built-in Omada Radius
Forums/ Controllers
By d0ugmac1 2024-01-17 22:45:25

Serious vulnerabilties even with latest 5.13.30 beta version of Controller?

In doing a walkthrough on a Docker setup for Mac OS, the 'Docker Desktop' app is reporting the following 3 Critical and 5 High risk vulnerabilities. I do not believe these are a fault of the docker im
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By Akunji 2023-08-07 17:19:19

Please Add 'Hotspot Management' Option into Omada Andiroid App

If the Hotspot Management like Cupone Generate, Local User Manage etc. option avilable on Omada app then it will be very easy to manage consumer. Please Add 'Hotspot Management' Option into Omada Andi