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Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-08-20 12:37:18
Re:Powerline adapter drop after Smart meter installation?
@Batebox I seem to have a similar problem but with TL-PA4020P KIT v2 After smart meter installation the speed has halved, it is now less than my DSL speed so obviosuly not good. It affects every...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-09-17 13:56:44
Re:WA850RE Extended wifi offers TKIP, how do I disable that?
I have TL-WA855RE version 4 with latest firmware. I write here to formally ask that you add WiFi security settings with the option to require WPA2-AES over TKIP. My router is WPA2-AES but I can see...
Forums/ Deco
2020-09-17 10:21:51
Re:WPA security
I have TL-WA855RE version 4, I just update the latest firmware and still no wireless ecurity settings or option for AES over TKIP, now all connected devices say it is not secure! This is no good for...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-09-17 09:38:45
Re:WA850RE Extended wifi offers TKIP, how do I disable that?
@root23 I have same problem. Router is WPA2-AES but the TL-WA855RE only uses TKIP.