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Forums/ Range Extenders
22 minutes ago
Re:TL-WA860RE(EU) v6.0 causes disconnection of computer connected to TL-PA4010P(EU) v2.3 KIT
@JPtplEXT Hi, Update your TL-WA860RE(EU) v6.0 to the latest firmware version v1.0.13. https://www.tp-link.com/en/support/download/tl-wa860re/#Firmware This used to be a known problem and was...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
an hour ago
Re:Changing the nat type to moderate or open on the Archer AX53
@mapp If the Internet provider has implemented a CG-NAT at their side, then there is nothing the router at home can do about it.
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
3 hours ago
Re:Cannot see WiFi from Powerline extender
@Alir Wi-Fi Clone should also be possible with a TalkTalk router. But even if it doesn't, then just change the network names and passwords of the TL-WPA7617 manually to match those of the TalkTalk...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
20 hours ago
Re:Router with connected external ONT not connecting to internet
@OPB Hi, So the "Internet" LED is off, right? How about the "WAN" LED (the fifth LED counting from the left)? Is it on or off? You can download a generic User Guide from here:...
Forums/ Adapters
20 hours ago
Re:Why tp-link unknown update Archer T2UHP driver to last version?
@Feelax Hi, Windows allows to force the installation of a driver via the "Have Disk" method. Even in Windows 11 this method still works. https://www.tp-link.com/en/support/faq/228/ Browse to the...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
23 hours ago
Re:Set-up problems
@SimonW1984 Hi, In case the TL-WPA8630 is some greater distance away from the Wi-Fi router (and hence can't receive a good Wi-Fi signal from the router), then plug the TL-WPA8630 in a socket that is...