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Forums/ Adapters
a week ago
Re:Slow TX201 adapter
@amalac Please
Forums/ Adapters
a week ago
Re:Slow TX201 adapter
what was the cause?
Forums/ Adapters
a week ago
Re:Slow TX201 adapter
Same here. I understand that there are lots of folks with this issue. I have had variable results from different driver sets and the realtek version for win11 is the best so far but max 500 if I am...
Forums/ Deco
2023-04-07 16:03:56
Upgrading old X60 to new X60 or XE75 hardware
I am a really happy owner of the X60 v1.0, but am considering either an X60 AX5400 or a newer XE75 as the primary deco. Has anyone any experience of benefits in a mixed environment. I hear all sorts...