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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
Re:Not sure if this is a DblNAT issue or?
@woozle Thank you... The DMZ option didnt work for me so had to go down the port forward route which has thankfully fixed my issue! All the best!
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
Re:Not sure if this is a DblNAT issue or?
@woozle I dont seem to have an option on the Brume2 to enter any PPPoe connection details anywhere. Under the Brume2 Network settings, theres a Network Mode section which has Router or Bridge mode......
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
Not sure if this is a DblNAT issue or?
Hello I've recently changed ISP here in the UK and had the option of providing my own router. I went down the road of getting a 2nd hand TPLink Archer VR400 v3 which I use as the modem for the...