Not sure if this is a DblNAT issue or?
I've recently changed ISP here in the UK and had the option of providing my own router. I went down the road of getting a 2nd hand TPLink Archer VR400 v3 which I use as the modem for the incoming ISP's connection. I then pass through 1 cable directly to my BRUME2 and turn off the TPLinks Wi-Fi completely as I have my UniFi AP's handling Wi-Fi mesh around the home.
The TPLink, I've noticed, doesn't have a one-press Bridge mode button like my previous hardware had (no longer have this) but they provide some instructions online on how to manually do so. It still seems to act as a DHCP server though so it gives my BRUME2 the first IP of the range ( This is all well and good so far, my BRUME2 acts as its own DHCP server dishing out IP's in the 192.168.8.x range and all my devices are happily connected to the internet etc.
The issue I've only recently noticed is that I have a hardwired NVR with 4K cams (connected to a switch on the 8.x range... I can view all the streams whilst at home on the network BUT when I'm on mobile or at work etc, the 4K cams streams dont load. I also have a PLEX server hardwired again and I used to be able to watch content from that while abroad etc or at work or whatever but now cant. The odd thing is, I have a few random wifi cameras at home which dont connect to the NVR (but same manufacturer) and I can happily view those internally or externally no problem.
Does anyone have any idea how I can get this all working as it should? ( I was hoping to keep the TPLink as basic as possible, only passing through internet connectivity to the BRUME2 )
Looking forward to the suggestions/ideas! Thanks