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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:My TPLink Archer AX58 router does not remember the router time
I have already solved it and it was not a malfunctioning problem. Initially I connected this router by cable to a yellow LAN port from the main router of the operator, as I have done with hundreds of...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:My TPLink Archer AX58 router does not remember the router time
@woozle Thanks for answering me Woozle. I'll tell you: I bought the router yesterday and when I configured it with the quick configuration I realized that it didn't update the time correctly over the...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
My TPLink Archer AX58 router does not remember the router time
Hello everyone. I just bought a TpLink Archer AX58 (AX3000) router. I have it perfectly configured and updated to the latest firmware and everything works fine, except for the router time. After each...