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Forums/ Adapters
a week ago
Re:Does not support 5ghz
@woozle Yes, I have Archer T3U EU
Forums/ Adapters
a week ago
Re:Does not support 5ghz
@woozle I don't have a modem, I distribute the Internet from my phone, but you can't change channels on the phone, I distributed the Internet from 3 phones and on all of them when you turn on 5GHz...
Forums/ Adapters
a week ago
Re:Does not support 5ghz
@Marvin_S Nothing helped
Forums/ Adapters
a week ago
Does not support 5ghz
I bought it today and connected it, but it works only 2.4 times when I turn on 5Ghz on the phone, the wi-fi adapter just doesn't see the network, I've already tried everything, I don't know what to...