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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
14 hours ago
Re:No netwok on my TL-WR902AC
Tried the guidance, but it doesn't match what I see in the web-gui. and i can't get it to work :O(
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
14 hours ago
Re:No netwok on my TL-WR902AC
@woozle I really should not have tried switching back :O(. Now again I can't get it to work on the internet with 3G/4G. Tried changing the mode as you suggested, it then reboots and then my PC gets...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:No netwok on my TL-WR902AC
@woozle Thank you for quick respons :O) Should I put it back to "share hotspot" ? I only ned to get access to internet from the Ethernet port, not the Wifi
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
No netwok on my TL-WR902AC
I have big trouble connecting my TL-WR902AC to the internet with a 3G/4G dongle. Under Network I have only WAN, LAN and MAC Clone. there is no 3G/4G network. I have tried with 3 different...