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Forums/ Deco
2025-01-12 07:41:24
Re:DECO XE75 pro unusable 2.4 Ghz network
At the end, sadly, I bought an Asus se Wi-Fi BT8 and gave back Deco to Amazon. My network is perfect. All devices are online, no problems wit IoT. Deco has some serious problem with auto channel...
Forums/ Deco
2025-01-03 06:38:54
Re:DECO XE75 pro unusable 2.4 Ghz network
I use both 2.4 and 5 GHz networks. Disconnections happen manly to IoT devices connected to main deck. (Daikin air conditioners, Bosh dishwasher). Also ikea zigbee network is badly influenced with...
Forums/ Deco
2025-01-02 17:42:27
DECO XE75 pro unusable 2.4 Ghz network
I have a network composed by 3 deco xe75 pro and one deco x50. My 2.4 Ghz network is unusable (packet drops, high latency, continuous disconnection of IoT devices). I've done a scan of wifi and found...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-28 06:59:30
Re:New Features Arrived! Channel Selection and Wireless Network Mode
@David-TP when will we have the same feature on XE75 pro and X50? my 2.4ghz is completely unusable: continuous disconnections, high ping, etc. wrong channel il selected and I can't restrict bandwidth...