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Forums/ Routers
7 hours ago
Re:ER706W interface and IP statistics are horribly wrong
@Serge9000 I will try enabling Bandwidth Control as suggested in and see if it works. It worked indeed. However, this exposed another...
Forums/ Routers
9 hours ago
Re:Hidden WiFi network in standalone mode
@Clive_A There are 3 logical statements: This model supports mesh in the standalone mode To enjoy the mesh function, ... enable Cloud-Base Controller Management Enabling Cloud-Base Controller...
Forums/ Routers
9 hours ago
Re:ER706W interface and IP statistics are horribly wrong
@Clive_A This is not a solution. refer to another router ER605 that costs 30% of what I've paid....
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Hidden WiFi network in standalone mode
@Clive_A It literally says opposite on Web UI, see the screenshot. The only thing Wireles/Mesh do in standalone mode is redirect to the System Tools/Control Settings page (after clicking 'Go to...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Hidden WiFi network in standalone mode
My ER706W exposes a hidden WiFi network, 5GHz range while in standalone mode. TP-Link explanation says 'The hidden wireless network is used to build up the mesh wireless network system', although...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
ER706W interface and IP statistics are horribly wrong
Hi Community, Recently upgraded TL-R470T+ and got phenomena when traffic statistics is swallowed. A huge chunk of traffic is literally ignored and not accounted anywhere on Interface Statistics/IP...