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Forums/ Deco
3 hours ago
Re:XE5300 after power outage
@Marvin_S I've done exactly. Factory reset the Deco, removed the app. Last night I even manually reinstalled the latest firmware via the web gui to see if it would fix it. This is what I get now...
Forums/ Deco
12 hours ago
Re:XE5300 after power outage
It gets more strange. I logged out and back into the app and my network appeared again but then said it has been deleted, like a small pop up. I snagged a screenshot. Logged out and in again. My...
Forums/ Deco
13 hours ago
XE5300 after power outage
So a few hours ago we lost power for a few minutes. Once it came back on I noticed my internet was out but figured it was just the ISP. I ran some errands, came back and noticed my Deco was no longer...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-11-22 14:00:55
Re:Pet Detection not Working
@Declan_Kilker Same issue here TC85 FW: 1.3.10 Now I never tried pet detection until 3 weeks ago. I have it set to max sensitivity with motion detection and alarm. I have 5 dogs in my house and they...