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Forums/ SOHO Switches
2024-11-17 04:32:37
Re:Switch losing connection
@PrincePCKET Yes I have a main modem/router. It is the modem/router of our network provider. Sorry, I don't have idea what is the network topology.
Forums/ SOHO Switches
2024-11-14 12:00:47
Re:Switch losing connection
@Marvin_S Hello, I already tried all of the ports, it still lose its connection every time I plug the 2 routers. Any more ways to fix this?
Forums/ SOHO Switches
2024-11-11 12:48:34
Switch losing connection
I've connected my Archer AX12 to my Hub LS1005G. I'm noticing that after a period of time (has varied every 10 mins), the switch is losing connection. I plug my 2 routers to my hub which is from hub...