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Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2024-12-05 11:06:12
Re:make Guest and IoT Networks Mesh-able and extendable
@hWmMzIfYNRISEgn totally agree, i have the same problem for the guest network. The main router is in the office, which is fare from the living room where most of the guest will need wifi, and after...
Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2024-12-05 10:52:47
Re:TP-Link IoT Network on mesh extender
@nfrt I have the same problem with the guest network specifically, really a disappointment. if you want you can upvote also my request https://community.tp-link.com/en/home/forum/topic/718368
Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2024-12-05 10:50:51
RE:TP-Link IoT Network on mesh extender
it is really a dealbraker feature. The mesh network on mercusys devices supports that.
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2024-11-26 13:46:41
RE:Extend Guest and IoT wifi to Easymesh nodes
maybe configurable from the app also
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2024-11-26 13:44:53
Extend Guest and IoT wifi to Easymesh nodes
Pretty much as the picture describes. I have a BE3600 (archer BE230) in my office, where the fiber box is located, and I am using an AX72 Pro in my living room to create a mesh network in the whole...
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2024-11-26 12:22:16
Re:Extending Guest and IoT Networks to OneMesh APs with wired backhaul
that's a shame, but thank you for the reply