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Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
a week ago
Re:When will the H500 hub be available
@B-rock The funny thing is, even the H200 is still tagged as "Coming soon"...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Re:Persons on bike detection
@Solla-topee I'm currently trying different sensitivity adjustments to see whether they bring some improvements. Please wait, thanks.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-24 00:32:50
Re:Persons on bike detection
@Solla-topee The detection algorithm on the camera seems to ignore postmen who come on bike... depending on the trajectory they make through the alley to get to my postbox.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-22 05:17:24
Re:Install Tapo App on windows 10
Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensor
2024-12-19 06:59:46
Re:T110 sensor alternative installation?
@MarioInJapan But, you already answered that with the T110 sensor my need cannot be satisfied. I would need something alse like this (from IKEA):
Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensor
2024-12-19 03:41:16
Re:T110 sensor alternative installation?
@Wayne-TP Please see this picture. Surfaces A and B, where the two parts of the door sensors should be affixed, are at right angle (part A belongs to the door frame, and part B to the door):