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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-03 17:36:33
Re:Tapo C120 not updating firmware
My second camera is now updated and I want to say that the firmware 1.2.3 makes the camera stable and responsive. Except for some basic features that I think should be available this camera is now...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-24 13:52:26
Re:Tapo C120 not updating firmware
@Solla-topee ok, thanks for replying. Merry Christmas
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-21 21:05:56
Re:Tapo C120 not updating firmware
@Solla-topee I have two c120 and the app said there was a new FW 1.2.3. I chose update on all cameras but only one got the latest firmware. If I go to the camera that didnt update it says FW 1.2.2...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-10-08 22:37:39
Re:Tapo camera snooze (pause) notifications for time period
This is a great idea and I think we all have been thinking about this feature. Being able to pause notifications in a fast easy way for a certain time while you work in your garden would be great and...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-09-20 11:10:01
Re:Face Recognition
@SmartUserTech I think we'll get this feature since it's needed to keep up with the ones that has face recognition If implemented the Tapo cameras would be hard to beat.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-09-20 11:06:29
Re:Face recognition
@SmartUserTech I can see that they have merged it to an earlier thread. I'm surprised over how few people it is that votes. I guess most readers aren't logged in or don't understand they should vote....