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Forums/ Switches
2024-06-03 02:58:04
Re:TL-SG2218 DHCP server pool range and fixed IP addresses limitation
I've just run into the same issue on a TL-SG3210 I thought if I specified the DHCP network address as and subnet mask as that might give me a range of addresses, but...
Forums/ Routers
2024-05-14 04:16:50
Re:Omada router on stick WAN VLAN setup help needed
If I cant do it within the Omada router config I'm thinking I will run a second cable from WAN port on router to the switch and do the WAN->VLAN mapping there - hopefully that will work
Forums/ Routers
2024-05-14 03:55:40
Re:Omada router on stick WAN VLAN setup help needed
Thanks for taking a look @Clive_A Just to respond to a couple of your comments there For the VLAN setup, you should set up the VLAN 101 110, and 111 on the router's LAN. Trunk the LAN port and it...
Forums/ Routers
2024-05-13 11:40:50
Re:Omada router on stick WAN VLAN setup help needed
Thanks for your reply @Clive_A Here's a bit of a sketch of the network - it's more complicated than this, but hopefully will paint the picture: All the access points have a trunk that contains VLANs...
Forums/ Routers
2024-05-13 04:58:05
Omada router on stick WAN VLAN setup help needed
I'm migrating to this Omada controlled router from an OpenWRT setup. I'm still learning the Omada screens and options and am struggling to set up the WAN routing. My router has a single ethernet...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-05-11 05:29:46
RE:Add local DNS server to ER605
The lack of this feature is a huge disappointment for me please can you add it as soon as possible