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Forums/ Deco
2024-03-16 03:26:10
Re:New 1.3.1 Firmware for Deco X50/X55 Adds Support for Whitelist and Matter
Ok - upgrading the X55(V1.0) to the 1.4.1 firmware added the whitelist feature; surprising that the 1.2.7 firmware (shipped from factory)did not have it while the 1.2.0 does on the X55(1.2). Anyway,...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-16 03:15:19
Re:New 1.3.1 Firmware for Deco X50/X55 Adds Support for Whitelist and Matter
@David-TP This is truly absurd the way you guys have rolled out this feature. I have X55's with different version numbers, where the later firmware (1.2.7) on the earlier hardware version (V1.0) does...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-15 02:36:48
Re:New 1.3.1 Firmware for Deco X50/X55 Adds Support for Whitelist and Matter
@David-TP Thank you for the detailed info about the X55. Is there a firmware version for the X20 V US/2.6 and X20 V US/3.6 that also add the Wifi Access Control (Whitelist)? Thanks! Bill
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-10 18:36:07
Re:New 1.3.1 Firmware for Deco X50/X55 Adds Support for Whitelist and Matter
@David-TP Terrible roll out. This update does not work with V1.26 of the X55 and the official version does not have the whitelist feature for any version of the X55 other than the V1.6. None of this...