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Forums/ Controllers
Re:Wired clients frequently appear online / offline and clients list error
@RaRu Thank you for your Reply. That's effectively a great workaround to not have a lot of events. I already do this (I have reactivated the event notification to take the screenshot), but I have to...
Forums/ Controllers
Re:Wired clients frequently appear online / offline and clients list error
@Vincent-TP Thanks for your reply... But : - you talk about a PRE-RELEASE firmware. - unless i'm mistaken, the release notes of this firmware and the other pre-release between the that i...
Forums/ Controllers
a week ago
Wired clients frequently appear online / offline and clients list error
Hello all, In advance, i'm sorry for my english and if this post is not at the better place. I don't know where i can place it, but it seems that is a problem in the software controller. My hardware...