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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-01-14 19:19:21
Re:AX53 EasyMesh slow internet on 1st floor. How to increase
@woozle Thanks. This is a good news.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-12-29 18:30:13
Re:AX53 EasyMesh slow internet on 1st floor. How to increase
@woozle I tried different antenna settings on both routers and it didn't change much. Unfortunately, I have both routers in version V1. So if I run the cable upstairs, what is the best solution so as...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-12-26 21:55:27
AX53 EasyMesh slow internet on 1st floor. How to increase
Hello. I have 300 Mb/s internet speed. I bought one Archer AX53 for ground floor and second Archer AX53 for the 1st floor. And I connected both router via EasyMesh. Main router is on the ground...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-07-07 10:58:31
Re:EasyMesh Routers Support Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul NOW
@Liverpool20 @TechThomas Thank You. But is not possible because I change A6 V2 due to poor coverage. I must buy second AX53.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-07-06 10:23:01
Re:EasyMesh Routers Support Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul NOW
Hello, I have a router Archer C6 V2. I ordered today Archer AX53. Will it be possible to combine these 2 routers in EasyMesh or maybe change the C6 to something newer?