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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Concurrent Users
@Nukos Please understand that all these are theoretical figures in a vacuum. No one will answer your question directly and specifically describe the workload and clients. give a clear technical task...
Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:EAP610 US v3 slow WiFi spee
@Tomaszs are there any other wireless devices that can be used to check wifi? other phones/laptops? also try to update firmware everywhere if you haven't done italso try to update firmware everywhere...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Concurrent Users
@Nukos These are all theoretical figures in a vacuum. Describe your task, the number of clients planned to be connected via WiFi, their load, and the speed of the Internet channel. and also whether...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Re:Ethernet connection from router to TV loses internet
@Gibbisan first update the firmware to latest version on router
Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:Roaming between Wif6 & Wifi5... not working
@Ced2ric disable wifi6 on access points in settings and set encryption type to wpa2/aes wifi6 hotspots use wpa3-sae encryption and there are problems with it in terms of roaming
Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:EAP610 US v3 slow WiFi spee
@Tomaszs First, make sure your phone connects to a 5 GHZ hotspot. also use other speedtest servers, because depending on the choice of country/provider the speed can vary greatly