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Forums/ Range Extenders
2016-11-15 09:49:04
Re:Why the Extender TL-WA850RE changes the MAC when the delivery to Router
QAQ wrote Hi it's not a bug. 850 works in proxy mode and this mode will change the devices' mac into a virtual one,all the first 24bits are the same, the latter 24bits of each client’s virtual MAC...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2016-11-13 10:22:22
Re:Why the Extender TL-WA850RE changes the MAC when the delivery to Router
its not supposed to do that, ive had the same problem on the WA855RE (v1.0 US), first of all i assigned the repeaters MAC address to its own ip once connected to the main router the repeater got a...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2016-11-13 10:03:52
Re:TL-WA855RE US/v1.0 huge bug affecting all versions
ive returned this model to the store and exchanged it for model WA860RE which seem to do the job like it supposed to
Forums/ Range Extenders
2016-11-11 21:55:53
TL-WA855RE US/v1.0 huge bug affecting all versions
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : i bought this repeater/extender to get better coverage in my house i was using a WA850RE before but lacked some range because i have alot of...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2016-11-11 21:44:35
Re:TL-WA850RE vs TL-WA855RE - which one is better
TL-WA850RE is better (more functionality & stable firmware) i tought if i buy the TL-WA855RE i would improve my range of the repeater but this model is plagued with firmware problems 1) management...