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Forums/ Deco
2022-10-18 10:02:33
Re:Deco M4(V4) 1.1.0
@David-TP I have been running this now for a few days in AP mode without any issues. The signal selection option is a great feature as it allows me to ensure there remains a good connection through...
Forums/ Deco
2022-10-15 07:33:08
Re:Deco M4 Connection Keeps Dropping
@David-TP Most of the times it seems like the main deco reboots itself, and then the sattelite decos flash red until the main one restarts. Interestingly this only happens in router mode and not AP...
Forums/ Deco
2022-10-07 06:53:11
Re:Deco M4 Connection Keeps Dropping
Yes we've got around 20 devices at home
Forums/ Deco
2022-10-07 06:52:42
Re:Deco M4 Connection Keeps Dropping
@allibhai This did not work, still having connection issues
Forums/ Deco
2022-10-04 19:23:58
Re:Deco M4 Connection Keeps Dropping
@Alexandre. Thanks - have tried swapping one of the sattelite decos with the main deco. Will report back
Forums/ Deco
2022-10-04 09:56:37
Re:Deco M4 Connection Keeps Dropping
@Alexandre. I can confirm there is no issue with the electrical wiring - there are a number of items connected there and it is only the Deco that is having issues