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Forums/ Deco
2024-12-19 14:49:08
Re:New Features Arrived! Channel Selection and Wireless Network Mode
When feature will be released for x50 devices ?
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2024-12-19 14:31:47
RE:Possibility to change WiFi channels
My deco x50 chose channel 7 every time. This channel not working well. Previous on my Mikrotik device on this channel i was huge latencies (over 1000ms ). The best channels was 2,3 or 13. Algorithm...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2022-07-09 16:47:04
C200 after last upgrade restart itself or freeze
Hi, A few days ago a send my c200 to support because of restarting or freezing. I get today new one c200 and the problem is the same. I have a NVR and record from camera using rstp stream. I setup...