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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-12-04 17:52:25
Re:Wi-Fi Routers Support WireGuard VPN Now
After years waitng for the AX73 support for wireguard (like dozens other users here), today I'm gladly moving to Ubiquiti At least they hear their costumers Thanks for nothing See you never again
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-13 17:34:55
Re:Wi-Fi Routers that are Planned to support WireGuard VPN
+1 for the AX73
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2022-04-13 17:30:24
Re:Feature Request: Update Firmware to Support IKEv2 and WireGuard for VPN server.
Interested in WireGuard support too Just got an AX73 and it's pretty awsome, but no WireGuard (client nor server) support even with the latest firmware