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Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2023-01-07 11:11:48
Re:SmartHub & Tapo doorbell
@tdc4266 Hello, Same question. I have to change my doorbell, and on catalog (french Tapo version), this product : Tapo D230 with...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-01-07 11:02:38
Re:Mise a jour
@Josuha56 Salut, J'ai eu le même "soucis", j'avais acheté puis installé une première caméra qui a rapidement eu une demande de firmware. J'ai installé la 2ème un mois après, et il s'est passé bien 4...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-01-07 10:56:19
Re:que se passe t'il lorsque la capacité de la carte est FULL
@balthy Salut, C'est bien ça Tu n'as rien à faire, il continue d'enregistrer en effaçant ou en écrasant chronologiquement les plus anciennes vidéos pour y mettre les nouvelles.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2021-11-13 23:30:33
Re:Not detecting all 2.4 GHz Networks
@Solla-topee "did camera found router's WiFi (SSID AMOI24) but failed to connect to that Wi-Fi?" No, I have to try to add it manually, but no way. The router (Sagem, SFR/Numericable) find the camera,...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2021-11-08 01:10:04
Re:Not detecting all 2.4 GHz Networks
C310 is ready (blinking red an green) after pairing, camera tried to connect to my 2.4 wifi and the error is like this one : The camera is near the router, the password is ok (also tried with wifi...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2021-11-08 00:28:07
Re:Not detecting all 2.4 GHz Networks
Same problem here (2x C310) and no solution (Box Numericable/SFR router). The problem is not the 2.4 Ghz, computers, phones, all is ok. The phone pairing with C310 but no more, C310 can't see the...