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Forums/ Adapters
2021-03-17 13:11:02
Re:Archer T3U won't connect by USB3.0 anymore
@Solla-topee I spoke too fast. The problem came back after a while, with the adapter disconnecting/reconnecting itself (USB connection lost, with the typical windows sound indicating it). Any idea...
Forums/ Adapters
2021-03-15 16:43:30
Re:Archer T3U won't connect by USB3.0 anymore
@Solla-topee Thanks. I got an newer driver via another channel and it seems to have fixed the issue. Will keep you posted if the problem arises again....
Forums/ Adapters
2021-03-14 17:00:10
Archer T3U won't connect by USB3.0 anymore
Hi, My T3U was working fine on my W10 computer until yesterday when I change RAM and W10 received one or several updates (?). Not fully sure about that. Nevertheless, I end up facing the same issue...