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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-04 05:27:50
Re:WPA3 doesn't support seamless roaming
@Marvin_S Yes, my router is AX10, my access point is Cudy RE3000, and they both support WPA3 and connected via ethernet.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-03 16:18:52
WPA3 doesn't support seamless roaming
I have a router and an access point network connected via mesh on WPA2 and roaming is seamless. However, when I switch to WPA2/WPA3 or WPA3 roaming doesn't work seamlessly. I use a wifi analyzer app...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-22 09:24:20
Re:Wifi Roaming doesn't work seamlessly when WPA2/WPA3 mode is enabled on RE450 V4
@Solla-topee it seams that all new devices that support WPA3 went through the same issue, they don't roam seamlessly between the router and client. i am now using WPA2 only mode which works well
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-17 06:49:16
Re:Wifi Roaming doesn't work seamlessly when WPA2/WPA3 mode is enabled on RE450 V4
@ramzik99 When using WPA2 roaming works fine
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-16 08:15:10
Wifi Roaming doesn't work seamlessly when WPA2/WPA3 mode is enabled on RE450 V4
So, there was a firmware update two weeks ago for RE450 V4 to support WPA3 encryption. My router is an AX10 that supports OneMesh. Prior to the update, i had WPA2 enabled and seamless roaming was...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-06 09:23:23
RE450 V4 now supports WPA3 encryption
RE450 V4 now supports WPA3 encryption, download it from the link below: https://static.tp-link.com/upload/firmware/2022/202206/20220602/RE450_V4_211207.zip