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Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Vincent-TP wrote @JuniperMS Hi, @Hank21 as we are patiently waiting, the last update, ... and 5 months later I must hope there has been made some progress right? And the last message stating anything...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-10-30 11:48:05
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.14.32.2 Pre-release (Updated on Oct 28th, 2024)
Just found out that according to https://www.tp-link.com/nl/support/faq/4143/ I am missing the USER page in the Application Analytics: This screenshot is from the support page": this screenshot is...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-10-30 11:31:27
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.14.32.2 Pre-release (Updated on Oct 28th, 2024)
@Vincent-TP I have two WAN ports in use on a ER707-M2 v1.0 running the latest firmware version. The OC200 is managing one gateway and only one site. Everything is local. That is why it was easy te...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-10-29 12:12:43
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.14.32.2 Pre-release (Updated on Oct 28th, 2024)
@Vincent-TP One issue wihich has been mentioned already, having a OC200 v1 my WAN settings disappeared too. Not to much of a problem, after setting the WAN settings again WAN was working. For the...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-08-15 12:53:08
RE:openAPI endpoints for application control
Efraindeloa wrote @RBL good news, thanks for let me know. Best regards. @Efraindeloa Ehmmm, I have asked to keep openapi in the OC200. As far as I know they tend to keep it in OC300 and OC400, but...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-08-13 13:03:16
Keep Open API in OC200 V5.15
Related to this post: Re:Omada Hardware Controller_V5.14 Pre-release (Released on Apr 16th, 2024) and this post Will OPENAPI function be removed in OC200? TP-Link is removiing the Open-API function...