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Forums/ Switches
2023-02-24 18:35:16
Re:TL-SG108PE Slow Green blink
@Virgo This graphic is one I have seen - Thank you for sharing. The issue I was seeing was the green light was pulsing very slow vs the rapid "irratic" pulse you normally see when a port is active.
Forums/ Switches
2023-02-23 19:21:24
TL-SG108PE Slow Green blink
I have 1 TL-SG105PE connected to my Unifi Dream Machine - Downstream from the SG105PE I have a TL-SG108PE. The SG105 has a slow green blink on the port the 108 is plugged into. It is not the rapid...
Forums/ Deco
2020-10-30 15:49:50
M9 Plus mixed Network not taking firmware updates
I have a mixed H/W version M9 Plus mess network - 2 units are V1 and 3 units are V2. I just reset the whole system from Acces Point mode to router mode and the network became unstable. After digging...