Unable to change EB810v 5GHz Wifi Channel and Channel Width, MLO Broadcast, Allow List issues
Hi Support, Product Dev, QC Team,
I've got the EB810v from Starhub Telco and total i have 4 units of EB810v meshed together.
Issue 1)
5GHz WIFI channel and channel width is LOCKED to Channel 100 and Channel Width 160MHz
Due to wifi intermittently disconnecting, i have tried to change wifi channel and width to others but will revert back to Channel 100 and Channel Width 160MHz?!
Issue 2)
Entire Wifi network will disconnect without fail during sudden raining, for about 2 mins before gaining back wifi connection?!
Issue 3)
Allow list is not able to work properly for MAC address.
Issue 4)
MLO Broadcast for Secondary nodes mesh CANNOT BE TURNED OFF!
Pls look into the firmware issue and provide an update asap!
This wifi interruption is causing major connectivity issues!