RE550 in access point mode: continuous IP renewal
Hello everybody, hope you can help me.
I bought a RE550 to use it as access point, since i need a wi-fi connection to existing LAN to be able downloading files using FTP. I correctly setup the RE550 as extender, and for that it works good. But when switching to access point it starts behaving strange. Despite I correctly setup the wi-fi access networks - both 2.4Ghz and 5 Ghz - I kept the IP dynamic (i.e. i left automatic IP assignement from router to the RE550) and set to OFF the DHCP on the RE550, when it connects to LAN using ethernet cable, it constantly cause the IP number renewal from the router. Thias causes continuous dropping of connection and files errors in transferring. IP lease time on router is setup at 24h and it never caused problem with any other device until now.
Of course i updated to latest available firmware, but this did not solve the issue.
Does anyone experienced same problem? And, above all, how i can make the connection stable?