Problems X50
I have some problems with my Decos many months. I read forum and try to find some solutions, wait for new firmwares, which can bring some. But I decided to write - I have X50-DSL as main and X50 via Ethernet backhaul:
- mesh WiFi is poor, I had to switch off Mesh technology for some device, and Beamforming and Fast Roaming too - it was unusable, unstable or dropped conection. There is for new mobile phone too, in my work with Ubiquity mesh - no problem
- DHCP reservation causes stopping communication on all ports for 1second approx.
- setting High priority for client have no effect - another client without priority can take full bandwith
I bought this set becuse of problems with DSL part of Archer VR2100 and becuse of new technology. But I see more and more new Deco models, but no solutions for problems with older models.
Missing normal features:
- configuration via http
- reboot schedule
- MAC filter
Thanks for answer.