Need Help with Deco Ethernet Backhaul in AP Mode
Hi, I having trouble setting up 3 Deco units using ethernet backhaul. I have cables wired from my ISP router to each room through ports on the wall. I set up all 3 Deco units wirelessly, then switched them to AP mode. Now I have internet with 1 main unit (wired) with 2 satelline unit (wireless). However, when I attempt to use ethernet backhaul for 2 satelline units, the internet stops working. The LED is still white (not red) but I either have really slow internet (~1Kbps) or no internet at all (devices cannot connect).
Did I do something wrong here? Why does the main Deco work in AP mode alone (satellines are powered off) but the whole system stop working when I plug in the ethernet cable for 2 satellines?
Thank you all in advance!!